Eric Joseph


I am a high school senior planning to major in Applied Mathematics with a minor in Data Science.


Lambert High School (August 2019 - Present)



Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, Johns Creek, GA (Troop 27)

2011 - Present


2013 - Present

I am a Grade 8 Piano student working towards the ABRSM Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music. My particular interest is in music from the classical and romantic periods.

Care Volunteers Mobile App

2021 August - Present

I participated in developing a Mobile App for connecting volunteers with the needs of the community. Using this app, service organizations needing volunteers can announce events with direct push notifications to all volunteers/users. Volunteers can scroll through the list of needs or search/filter by location/type and sign up to volunteer with a simple 2-click request, and keep track of their activities, service hours and share certificates of service completion with others.  

Care Volunteers Club, Founder and President

2022 January - Present

The purpose of the Care Volunteers Club is to encourage students to participate in volunteer service activities in their communities. The club uses the Care Volunteers Mobile App to find volunteer service needs in the community and plan work days when members of the club will collectively volunteer at an organization for a service event. Members are encouraged to find unmet service needs in the community and to sign up new volunteer members to the club.

Break Bags for Children, Project Leader

Summer 2022

I successfully led the Break Bags for Children project. The goal of the project was to provide Break Bags to children who mainly get their meals from school and receive less food during long school breaks such as the summer break. We collected over 4000 non-perishable food items such as cereal, canned meat, canned ravioli, canned soup, mac & cheese, peanut butter, jelly, fruit cups and shelf stable milk. These food items were assembled into 100 break bags, each containing over 39 food items, for delivery to the children in need. The beneficiary of this project is Meals By Grace, a non-profit organization in North Georgia.

Volunteer Team Lead, Meals By Grace

July 2022 - present

Meals By Grace is a non-profit organization with a mission to bring food, hope and transformation to children and families in need, so that children can go to bed happy, not hungry. As a Volunteer Team Lead, I lead teams of volunteers organizing groups of food for dozens of families. Bags and boxes of food assembled are loaded for delivery in the vehicles of volunteer delivery drivers. I work as the Volunteer Team Lead every Sunday.

MineRL Machine Learning

July 2022 - present

I am working on a project that teaches bots to play Minecraft video game through Reinforcement Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.  This project uses MineRL, a rich Python 3 library which provides a OpenAI Gym interface for interacting with Minecraft, accompanied with datasets of human gameplay. I started work on this project with the help of a professor at Kennesaw State University.

Application Development Intern, OEWARE

August 2022 - present

My internship work at OEWARE involves assisting with application development using Python and Flutter/Dart. Job duties include writing  scripts to access and manipulate data in Cloud Firestore database, writing queries and generating reports, and writing Cloud Functions to monitor system activities.